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Jungle Property Core Values

  1. Make customers really, really happy
  2. Improve continuously
  3. Create fun
  4. Be an artist
  5. Be a learner and a teacher equally
  6. Respect people
  7. Strive for perfection
  8. Be humble
  9. Be passionate and determined
  10. Build open and honest relationships with communication

1. Make customers really, really happy

Make customers really, really happy by doing something innovative that breaks with convention. Do something that's above and beyond what's expected. Whatever you do must have an emotional impact on the receiver. We are not an average business, our service is not average, and team members are not expected to be average.

The more happiness you spread the more likely we are to become the best customer service company. We expect every member of the team to make customers really, really happy. And don't forget to make other team members and partners really, really happy too.

2. Improve continuously

Don't accept anything as it is - make it easier, faster, safer or more fun - do it with less and do it daily. Wherever you are, is where your future journey begins. Learning and improvement is for life and more of a marathon rather than a sprint.

Improvement is for everyone - we are all responsible for improving our life and our work. Respond to the changing environment by recognising that was the best yesterday may not be the best today.

It is always the simple that produces the marvellous. Be inquisitive, challenge the status quo and implement small incremental changes. Rather than doing one thing 1000% better, do a 1000 things 1% better. The continual alignment of small improvements will transform your life and the lives of other team members, customers and partners.

Improve as an individual or as a team but just do it - quickly, easily, persistently, tenaciously.

3. Create fun

Going to work should be fun and the value we place on fun is one of the things that makes Jungle Property different. We don't do corporate and boring. We want to be able to laugh at ourselves. Look for fun in your daily work to make life more interesting for everyone and generate joy.

Celebrate each person's individuality and encourage people to express their personality. Being ourselves allows us to perform at our best. Have fun in your interactions with other team members and in our work.

Encouraging fun helps people to "think outside the box" and be more innovative. Having fun at work is a win-win for everyone: People are more engaged in the work that they do and "work made fun gets done".

4. Be an artist

Art is not about oil painting, it’s all about bringing creativity and insight to your work. Recognise there is no limit to people's creativity and that most of the creativity comes from those that do the work. Having the freedom to be creative will help create your own luck and allows us to be the best.

Innovate with new approaches and celebrate mistakes by saying "I got it wrong" - it is impossible to be successful without getting a lot wrong. If everything you do succeeds, you will have failed so be an artist and you have failed to bring enough creativity into your work.

5. Be a learner and a teacher equally

Don't tell when you can ask. Accept that you are not always the best person to solve a problem or answer a question. There may be someone more expert than you on a particular topic, someone who has experience, knowledge or ideas within that area. Learning through, and with others is tremendously rewarding and a great way of effectively solving problems.

6. Respect people

Value and respect humanity. Foster mutual trust and respect amongst everyone you touch - team members, customers and partners. Show respect for people through reverence, gratitude, kindness and generosity. Respect other team members by recognising them as "the expert" at doing their own job.

7. Strive for perfection

Envision and pursue perfection and you will embark on a remarkable journey. Paradoxically, no picture of perfection can be perfect and as you grow, a new picture of perfection will emerge. Perfection is like infinity. Seeing it and achieving it is impossible, but the effort to do so provides inspiration and direction essential to making progress along the path. Reach out for perfection in everything you do and you will be rewarded.

"Good enough" is the enemy of great so as you pursue greatness as a person and as a company never accept "good enough".

8. Be humble

Celebrate success but do not be arrogant. Be modest and carry yourself with quiet confidence. In the long term your character will speak for itself.

9. Be passionate and determined

Value passion and determination. Don't accept "no" or "that will never work" for an answer. Had we accepted these answers Jungle Property may not exist today.

Passion and determination are contagious. Having a positive and optimistic (but realistic) attitude about everything you do inspires others to have the same attitude. The collective power of a passionate and determined team is formidable.

10. Build open and honest relationships with communication

Be a good listener as well as a good speaker. Effective, open and honest communication is the foundation of a strong relationship. Always remember that it's not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most. In order for someone to feel good about a relationship, he/she must know that the other person truly cares about them, both personally and professionally.

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Free Hill

Photo of Free Hill

Free Hill, Westbury Sub Mendip, WELLS
Rent £975 per calendar month
Available Now

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